How can I view and update existing orders?

Orders page. Adding comments. Updating order state. Edit and delete orders.

If you want to review the orders you made during calls with contacts, in your agent account:

  1. Click the Orders page  from the left-hand menu.
  2. If necessary, use the start and end Date fields and the Project drop-down list to find the orders you want to see. 
  3. Click the Reset button to return to viewing today's orders across all projects.

This page shows the orders you created. From here you can edit or delete orders, listen to call recordings and even create new orders.

Open the contact card

  1. Click the contact's name in the Name column to open their contact card.

Add comment

  1. Click (Add comment) in the Comment column to add a comment for that call.

If the call already has a comment, you can edit it by clicking on it.

Update the order state

To update the state of an order:

  1. Click the current state in the the Status column.
  2. Click the Order state drop-down list and select the new state.
  3. Optionally, type a Comment.
  4. Click the Update button.

Listen to a call recording

  1. Click the  icon in the Record column to listen to the call recording.

Edit or delete orders 

  1. Click the  icon to the right of the table.
  2. Click to select Edit or Delete as needed.

Deleting an order will remove it from the system permanently.  Use this only when you are absolutely sure you have accidentally made a false order.

Create an order without calling

You can also create a new order. Note, though, that doing so here will create a blank new contact that you must complete the details for before placing the order. If you instead want to create a new order for an existing contact, consider doing so in your History page or Contact list tab, if you have access.

If you do want to create a new order for a new contact:

  1. Click the Create button.
  2. Complete the contact information.
  3. Complete the order as normal.