How do I activate inbound email?

Final checklist. Email forwarding.


Before activating your inbound email, check each link of the chain is ready.

Remember you can test all aspects of your environment before you go live by using the internal email address.

  • You have an inbound route defined for each external email address you expect customers to use to contact your team.
  • Each inbound route points to the correct place (usually a flow or queue).
  • Messages processed by flows are going to the correct places.
  • Your message queues have appropriate priorities and, if you are using them, appropriate skill requirements.
  • The correct agents have the skills to serve the queues you are using, and have access rights to the projects you are using.
  • Your projects have the correct send email addresses defined.

Email forwarding

The final link in the chain to getting emails to your agents is mail forwarding. All external emails that you use for your service will need to be redirected to your internal email address.

This step will need to be done by your email service provider. Contact them for help with this. This step should only be done when you are ready to switch over to actively using Omni, or you may miss emails.