What are the Optional settings for Outbound projects?

Calling settings. Web pages. Web hooks. Outbound number settings

Outbound calling settings

The first group of Optional settings only applies to Outbound campaigns and are not displayed for inbound projects.

  • Show outcome dialog when removing customer from list. If this is ticked for your projects and agents use the Skip and remove button, they will be prompted to provide an outcome.
  • Apply delay before agent can select next customer in progressive and preview calling. If your campaign uses automatic calling, agents will be offered the next contact to be called, and have the option to the Next contact instead of calling. When this option is ticked, agents will have a short delay before they can call the next customer. This delay gets longer if the agent clicks Next contact again.
  • The campaign is selectable by agents with full access rights. If this checkbox is not ticked, agents must be given specific access to work on this project. It will not automatically be available to agents with the general Full access. 
  • Show agent contact list selector. If this option is ticked, agents will see a drop-down list of all contact lists associated with this campaign. They can select which contact list they want to work from.
  • Hide delivery address section from call dialog. If this is ticked, agents working on this project will only see the Order tab, without the normal Delivery address tab.
  • Optimize ringing time to avoid voicemail. When this is ticked, if a call to a contact goes to voicemail, the next time the contact is called, it will ring for one second less. This reduces the number of "answered" calls being those that were picked up by voicemail. 
  • Show contact call history in preview and during call. This checkbox is ticked by default, showing the agent a history of calls both in the preview and during the call. If you would rather the agent not see this history, click to uncheck this option.
      • Hide contact history (in agent view) from previous lists... If an existing contact has been imported from another list using the contact management tool, the history for that contact might be long or include information not relevant to this project. Click to tick this checkbox to hide that history.
      • Show all call attempts in agent contact history
  • Maximum ringing time in seconds for progressive call without pause. Specify how long a call will ring before moving on to the next contact. If left at 0, there is no maximum ringing time (other than any network limits).

Web pages, mini reports and web hook

The second group of Optional settings allow you to customise the agents' view, including making particular web pages available to the agent in their interface, adding mini reports. The screenshot here is for an outbound project, many of these options are also available for inbound projects.

  • Project web address. Click the drop-down list to select an existing integration. Alternatively, select (Custom address) to create a tab on the contact card to display your choice of web pages, making them easier for agents to refer to during the call. You can apply URL variables to the address, and type the Name of the tab.
  • Default project tab. Select which tab the contact card opens on for agents working on this project. This might be any of the project web addresses, if specified, or the History tab (for agents using Omni) or the Order or Calendar tab (for agents using Outbound).
  • External URL. Type the web address to send information to after a call completes. Another option for integrating LeadDesk data with external sources. This web hook option lets you send call statistics to an external site for processing or analysis. The address must include http:// or https:// 
  • Mini report options let you add reports or buttons to the agent interface. The Omni interface only uses the Call Dialog Mini Report. Click the drop-downs to see which mini reports are available for your environment. 
  • Manual call tab report. This has been replaced by improved blacklist functions in the Outbound interface, so it is only relevant to campaigns with agents using the Legacy Outbound interface. Similar to mini reports, this option can be used to include a tool for dealing with manual calls to blacklisted numbers. 

Outbound number settings

Although these settings are specifically about outbound calling, they are available for both outbound and inbound projects.

These options control how your outbound calls are identified when using LeadDesk VoIP. If you do not select any options, calls will be anonymous.

  • Free number groups. If you have groups of numbers set up (see this article) you can assign a group to this project. Click to tick the checkbox for a group.
  • Free numbers. To add individual numbers, click to tick checkboxes from the list.
  • Numbers already in use. You can reuse numbers from other projects if needed.
  • Override agent's default outbound caller ID. Each agent can be assigned an outbound number. If you tick this checkbox, the agent's individual number will be replaced by the project's outbound number.
  • You can select multiple outbound numbers, either by selecting a group, or ticking multiple numbers. In either case, the Outbound caller id selection logic will determine which number is displayed.
      • Random. Each call will be assigned a random outgoing number from the list of selected numbers.
      • Regionally random. Each call will still be assigned randomly, but if calling a landline, the random selected number will try to be matched to the region it is calling to.
      • Customer specific number. Will use the same number each time it calls the same client.

Other optional settings

The last few options are not grouped together. Only Select table view is available for inbound projects.

  • Default call dialog tab. Click this drop-down list to select the tab that the agent will start on when they begin a call for this project.
  • Agent session timeout. If the agent is passive for longer than this limit, they will be logged out. Minimum value is 3 minutes, with a default value of 120 minutes.
  • Select table view. If you have created custom view (see this article), click this drop-down to select which should be used for this project.
  • Voice receipt mandatory. Click to tick this checkbox to make voice receipts required to create all orders for this project.



Now continue to Callback settings. See What are the Callback settings for Outbound projects?