What is Stagelight?

Accessing Stagelight. Stagelight information. Listening to calls. Stagelight and Omni.

Stagelight is a tool for Admins that shows the real-time status of agents currently logged in to your environment working outbound. It can be used to monitor the activity of your agents, enabling you to provide better coaching.

  • Get an overview of a large group of agents.
  • Monitor remote agents as if they were in the office.
  • Real-time data allows real-time coaching.

Accessing Stagelight

Stagelight is accessed from a toolbar in the top right of your Admin view. 

  1. Click the Stagelight icon  to open Stagelight.

If you have access to other LeadDesk apps, for example Superstars, the icon changes to .

  1. Click this menu icon to see a list of apps you have available.
  2. Click the Stagelight icon to open Stagelight.

Full access to Stagelight requires an additional subscription. Without this, you will have access to a trial version to see if it is right for you. 

Stagelight information

For each of the selected offices, you will see a list of all agents currently logged in and working for that office.

  • The Agent column shows the agent name.

  • The Activity column will show the agent's current action:
    • Passive - white/grey background - agent has logged in but is not actively calling. 
    • Calling - green background - an outbound call is trying to connect.
    • Talking - green background - agent is on a call (outbound or inbound).
    • Wrapup - blue background - agent's call is closed but they have not finished working on it (for example they have not selected an outcome yet).
    • Wrapup - red background - agent has been in wrapup for longer than 30 seconds.

There is also an activity which only shows for agents working with inbound calls:

    • Waiting for call - yellow background - agent has activated inbound but has yet to receive a call. 
  • The Duration column displays how long the agent's current activity has lasted.
  • The Project column shows the name of the project the agent is currently working on.

Filtering the view

You can select which offices or projects you want to view. For more information see Grouping, filtering and sorting in Stagelight on the main support pages.

Listening to calls

In Stagelight, Admins can listen to calls live. If necessary, they can then join the call and speak to the agent, or both the agent and the contact.

To listen to a call currently in progress, in Stagelight:

  1. Click the  icon on the right hand side of the row for that agent.

For more details see the article Listening to calls in Stagelight on the main support pages.

Full screen mode

To minimise the distractions in Stagelight, you can go full screen.

  1. Click the full screen button  in the top-right of the Stagelight view.

To exit full screen mode, at any time, press the Esc key on your keyboard.

Real-time data

  • The information displayed in Stagelight is live. As agents' status changes, that information will be displayed immediately in Stagelight.
  • If for any reason this live link is not available, Stagelight will default to checking agents' statuses every 30s instead. If this does happen you will see an on-screen notification.

Stagelight and Omni

The initial release of Stagelight is not intended to work with agents who are using the Omni interface for customer service.

  • Stagelight's primary focus is on calls, so will not reflect agents working on emails or webchat in the Omni interface.
  • Calls in Omni are not handled in the same way calls in Outbound are. 

As a result, agents working in the Omni interface will not appear in the current release of Stagelight.

Stagelight compared to...

Stagelight is, of course, not the only way to see information about your agents' activity. The Agent statistics page provides additional information, such as deals and success rate, while the Activity log lets you see the history of an agent as well as their current activity.

The main advantages of Stagelight are: 

  • True real-time data.
  • A compact view allows at-a-glance perspective for more agents across multiple offices.